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Stephen Skinner presents a research paper on law under totalitarianism

On 5 January 2020 at the 134th annual conference of the American Historical Association in New York, Stephen Skinner presented a paper entitled ‘Totalitarianism from Above: State Security and Criminal Law under Fascism and Democracy’, as part of a panel on ‘State and Nation under Totalitarianism: Nazi and Fascist Comparisons from Above and Below’.

The panel also included Ernesto de Cristofaro (University of Catania), ‘Totalitarianism from Above: Legal Paths of Fascist Self-Representation’; Benedetta Carnaghi (Cornell University), ‘Totalitarianism from Below: Spies’ Court Trials in Nazi-Occupied Europe’; and Jan Burzlaff (Harvard University), Totalitarianism from Below: Toward a History of Emotions of German Jews.’