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Stephen Skinner takes part in a Human Rights Lawyers’ Association discussion panel on the significance of McCann v UK (1995)

Stephen Skinner took part in the panel, entitled ‘McCann and others v UK – 25 Years On: Reflection and Review on the Right to Life and Lethal Force, the Rule of Law and Democracy’, which was held at Cornerstone Barristers, Gray’s Inn, London, on 12 February 2020.

The panel was introduced by Christopher Stanley (litigation consultant, KRW Law LLP, Belfast) and chaired by Ashley Underwood QC, Cornerstone Barristers (Counsel to the Robert Hamill Inquiry, the Azelle Rodney Inquiry and the Mark Duggan Inquest).

Panel members included Associate Professor Stephen Skinner (author of Lethal Force, the Right to Life and the ECHR: Narratives of Death and Democracy (Hart, 2019)); Lisa Giovannetti QC, 39 Essex Chambers (expert in the investigatory obligations arising under Article 2 and Article 3 ECHR); Barra McGrory QC, Bar Library Belfast and Doughty Street Chambers (Former DPP for Northern Ireland; represented the victims’ families in McCann v UK (1995) at the European Court of Human Rights); Adam Straw, Doughty Street Chambers (Counsel in the cases arising from the deaths of Mark Duggan, Jean Charles de Menezes, Alexander Litvinenko and Anthony Grainger).