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The group included Professors Jim Hall (Oxford), Ian Bateman (Exeter), Paul Bates (Bristol), Bridget Hutter (LSE), Hannah Cloke (Reading) and Sam Fankhauser (Grantham) and was chaired by John Curtin, the Environment Agency’s Executive Director of Flood and Coastal Risk Management. 

First meeting of the “Long-term investment scenarios development group”

On 10 January the Environment Agency invited a group of experts from a range of disciplines to come together to help understand how to develop the long-term investment scenarios for flood and coastal risk management in the future.

The group included Professors Jim Hall (Oxford), Ian Bateman (Exeter), Paul Bates (Bristol), Bridget Hutter (LSE), Hannah Cloke (Reading) and Sam Fankhauser (Grantham) and was chaired by John Curtin, the Environment Agency’s Executive Director of Flood and Coastal Risk Management. A wide-ranging discussion covered many opportunities and challenges for the science on which the long-term investment scenarios are based, and the group will meet again in the summer to help prioritise future work, and consider how the research community can be involved.

Date: 24 January 2017