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No-deal Brexit
Professor Ian Bateman (Director - LEEP Institute, University of Exeter Business School) said:
“The Government has provided little if any new information concerning the impact of a no-deal Brexit on the three quarters of the country which is used for farming. Previously announced policies do leave those working in the agricultural industry in a somewhat clearer position than other industries in that the Government has confirmed that it will invest the same amount in farm support to 2022.
The wording of the document allows for change in the allocation of support across prior to 2022 and if this was deliberate then it is welcome. Recent Government consultation suggested policy priorities include the reduction of payments to the largest farms merely because they are large and shifting public money towards the provision of public goods, principally environmental improvement.
These are welcome initiatives, but they were announced some months ago. The latest document fails to clarify what difference or impact a no-deal Brexit will bring.”
All papers outlining 'How to prepare if the UK leaves the EU with no deal' can be found here.
Date: 23 August 2018