
RSA - 21st century enlightenment
Professor Ian Bateman presents at The RSA Taunton Seminar on Food, Farming and Countryside
Professor Ian Bateman visited Bridgwater & Taunton College Cannington Campus today to present at The RSA Taunton Seminar on Food, Farming and Countryside, to discuss 'Food, Farming and the Countryside: Policy directions and decision making'.
To engage with as wider audience as possible and hear diverse opinions and ideas, the RSA Food, Farming and Countryside Commission has embarked on an 7-month bicycle tour around the UK, speaking to people from as many backgrounds, environments and professions as possible and conducting research on what the people of the UK want food, farming and countryside systems to look like in the future.
What is the role of food, farming and the countryside to build thriving communities and a more sustainable environment for everyone? - The discussion will help inform the research of the Commission, building a vision for the future of food in post-Brext UK.
Further information can be found here.
Date: 14 November 2018