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The RSA Food, Farming and Countryside Commission

The RSA Food, Farming and Countryside Commission publish progress report

The RSA Food, Farming & Countryside Commission progress report ‘Our Common Ground’ launches today. It outlines proposals for a safe, secure & inclusive food system, flourishing rural economy & sustainable countryside for all. Have a look at where the work programme has taken them so far and have your say – they welcome your views, challenge and advice. @FFC_Commission @thersaorg

The RSA Food Farming and Countryside Commission is a two-year independent inquiry, funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, with a purpose to:

  • Inspire and develop a shared mandate for change among the diverse groups and communities with a stake in the future of our food, farming and countryside, bringing new voices into the debate.
  • Set out a vision that is fairer, can stand the test of time, and aligns more closely with public expectations and values.
  • Propose solutions to achieve that vision, identifying where communities and business can take a lead, and where national policy is essential.

Chaired by Sir Ian Cheshire and comprising 14 further commissioners, they set out their stall early on by inviting commissioners from sectors not typically included in these discussions. The Commission is also supported by a transdisciplinary research advisory group.

Date: 25 October 2018