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‘Government plans harm the environment and the economy’, argues influential researcher

Recent government plans make neither environmental nor economic sense, one of Exeter’s leading academics will warn at a key environment event next week.

Greenhouse gas removal project to take centre stage at Exeter COP event

A unique project to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere will take centre stage at the University of Exeter Business School’s flagship event at COP26.

Parks and green spaces of England and Wales valued at £25.6 billion a year

Parks and green spaces provide around £25.6 billion of ‘welfare value’ to the health and wellbeing of adults in England and Wales each year, according to a ground-breaking new tool that calculates the economic value of outdoor recreational spaces.

Deforestation only ‘displaced’ under community monitoring schemes

Community-led monitoring of deforestation might not reduce forest use overall, but merely displace it to unmonitored areas, a new study finds.

University of Exeter plays a leading role in latest UK Climate Change Risk Assessment

Action to improve the nation’s resilience is failing to keep pace with the impacts of a warming planet and increasing climate risks facing the UK.

Business School academic to take part in Annual Science Lecture panel

Environmental economist Professor Ian Bateman OBE will be part of an expert panel discussion this week at the Natural History Museum’s Annual Science Lecture 2021.

UEBS PhD scholarships are live

 Exciting opportunities do you have the skills we need?

Only half of England’s nature reserves in ‘favourable’ state, as committee reports widespread environmental decline

Just half of England’s nature reserves are in a ‘favourable’ condition, according to a Natural Capital Committee (NCC) report revealing serious decline across England’s natural environment.

SWEEP Natural Capital in the South West Expo 20th - 22nd October 2020


JNCC Nature News

JNCC Nature News - Summer 2020

New framework for ‘natural capital approach’ to transform policy decisions

How governments and the private sector consider the natural environment when constructing policy is being transformed thanks to a new “natural capital” decision-making framework.

Electricity data shows real-time GDP change during COVID-19 lockdown

Electricity market data can play a vital role in measuring the impact of COVID-19 and lockdown policies on GDP, according to a new study.

‘Price of life’ lowest in UK during COVID-19 pandemic, study finds

The price the UK government was prepared to pay to save lives during the COVID-19 pandemic was far lower than in many other developed nations, a study has revealed.

Designing a sustainable future for aquaculture, the world’s fastest growing food sector – A One Health approach

Seafood is one of the fastest-growing and highly traded food markets.

Exeter academics elected to British Academy

Two University of Exeter academics have been elected fellows of the British Academy.

NCC response to Government's 25 YEP Progress Report and advice on a green recovery

The Natural Capital Committee advises that the Government remains off track to achieve its commitment to ‘leave the natural environment of England in a better state than it inherited’, and highlights the opportunity to invest in nature as part of a resilient green recovery from COVID-19 by evidencing the significant economic returns that can be generated alongside achieving the targets in the 25 Year Environment Plan

Replacing GDP with Gross Ecosystem Product reveals value of nature

Replacing Gross Domestic Product (GDP) with a new “ecosystem” measure reveals the enormous value of the natural world, new research shows.

Dragon Capital Chair in Biodiversity Economics announced

Professor Ben Groom has been appointed Dragon Capital Chair in Biodiversity Economics at the University of Exeter. 

Green and social policies help firms weather COVID-19 crash

Businesses with strong environmental and social credentials are more resilient in times of economic crisis, according to research into the COVID-19 stock market crash.

The Dasgupta Review - The Economics of Biodiversity - Interim Report April 2020

The interim report of the Dasgupta Review on the Economics of Biodiversity is now out.

Unplanned tree planting could increase global warming and damage the environment, experts warn

No one doubts that trees can help suck carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, out of the atmosphere and help tackle climate change.

Gretchen C. Daily wins Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement 2020

The Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement today announced the selection of Gretchen C. Daily, PhD, as the 2020 Tyler Prize co-winner.

Sugar and health, calf-at-foot investment, quantifying natural capital

Professor Ian Bateman (Director, LEEP Institute) was interviewed by Anna Hill as part of BBC Radio Four's Farming Today series focusing on week-long focus on sugar beet.

United Kingdom to embark on ‘agricultural revolution’ in break from EU farm subsidies


Professor Ian Bateman (Director, LEEP Institute) was interviewed by Erik Stoksatd from the AAAS Science Magazine.

Natural Capital Committee’s 2020 Annual Report on progress in implementing the government’s 25 Year Environment Plan

It has been nine years since the government published the White Paper, The Natural Choice, committing to the objective “to be the first generation to leave the natural environment of England in a better state than it inherited”.

Mental health of BAME men hit hardest by COVID-19, study finds

BAME men experienced a far greater deterioration in their mental health during the COVID-19 lockdown than their white British counterparts

New environmental intelligence tool will help protect Cornwall’s wildlife and landscape

An environmental online hub for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly will help protect the region’s precious wildlife and landscape.