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Volunteers and visitors in the Geoffrey Pope labs

UK Fungus Day 2022 - the CMM celebrates with an Open Doors Event

The MRC CMM opened its doors to the public for the first time to celebrate UK Fungus Day.

On October 8th, the MRC CMM opened its labs for the first time for UK Fungus Day, welcoming over 100 guests to see behind-the-scenes of our research into fungal infections.

The event to celebrate UK Fungus Day was one of many across the country, celebrating the often-forgotten kingdom of life. The Open Doors event was designed to share the wide range of research being done within the Centre, and to highlight the importance of better understanding of fungal diseases. The event took place in the Geoffrey Pope laboratories, offering a rare opportunity for the general public to see inside a research lab. 

The event featured a variety of activities, including a “Fight the Fungus!” game, the opportunity to take a photo with your mycobiome, FUN-gal art, and activities based on the range of research being done at the MRC CMM. Over 30 MRC CMM members volunteered their time for the day to share their research.

We had over 100 attendees of all ages, learning about fungi and the importance of medical mycology. One of our visitors said the event was “an amazing day, with excellent interactive activities for all levels. Thank you”.


Date: 11 October 2022

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