EPSRC Hub for Quantitative Modelling in Healthcare news archive: 2021-2022
Sir Dermot Turing & Alan Turing
Hub Public Lecture - 29 March 2022 at 18.30 BST
This public lecture, which is hosted by the EPSRC Hub for Quantitative Modelling in Healthcare, is intended to provide a platform for people to separate truth from fiction in the story of Alan Turing’s scientific accomplishments. Guest speaker, Sir Dermot Turing will be joined by Dr Kyle Wedgwood (Hub Co-Investigator and lecturer in the Living Systems Institute) to discuss and explore the scientific achievements of Alan Turing across his career. Starting from the efforts to “break” the Enigma machine, Dermot will decipher the real story of Alan Turing’s work.
Over the course of the evening, Dermot and Kyle will reflect on the impact of Alan Turing’s early machines on the development of modern computers, and later, on his contribution to answering fundamental questions about life and the natural world.
For further details and to register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/public-lecture-alan-turing-coding-for-life-tickets-254524237847
Alumni Auditorium, The Forum, University of Exeter, Streatham Campus, Stocker Road, Exeter, EX4 4PT and online