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 Source: Trent Bradley, Unsplash

Researcher Highlight: Kinan Noah

Routes is currently highlighting the diverse work conducted by our members on issues of migration, mobility and displacement. Here we feature an update from steering group member Kinan Noah on his research into forced migration and the construction of narrative identity.  

I am a researcher in Forced Migration Studies, focusing on identity and narrative. My research interests revolve around identity representations in personal narratives of forced migrants and the impact of the forced migration experience on co-constructing "narrative identity". My current research project inspects Syrian refugees’ identity representations as highlighted in and through their autobiographical narratives. The aim is to reach, as much as possible, a profound understanding of how individual (and collective) discursive identity is navigated in the context of forced migration. 

I am also the lead provider of the course “Human Migration and Health: A Global Perspective”, which is based at the University of Exeter Medical School and to which Routes coordinators contribute annually. 

Besides my research and work, I am dedicating my academic expertise to the benefit of my local community through being a co-leader of an “Employability” project,the main purpose of which is to support refugees in employing their skills to find jobs, and volunteering with another NGO which sponsors refugee families and assists them in their new life.

Date: 24 September 2020

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