
Virtual Routes gathering
Routes Got Together
Last Thursday an enthusiastic group of members joined the Routes Get Together online. In this virtual brainstorm and summer party, eleven people turned up with a bowl of strawberries and cream, a glass of Pimms or whatever else summer meant for them, and spent time getting to know each other and discussing what they would like to see Routes doing.
The participants represented Classics, Law, the Institute of Arabic and Islamic studies, Psychology, Anthropology and the Graduate school of education. A truly interdisciplinary group, true to the interdisciplinary subject of migration.
Organiser Helena Wray kicked the meeting off with a warm welcome, after which everyone introduced themselves. Soon this turned into an exchange of interests and suggestions, resulting in more ideas for the Routes Conversations to be held monthly in the new academic year.
Routes was founded in 2017 as a network to connect expertise on migration, and has established a web presence as well as holding several events. The Routes team is now looking at upgrading the website, organising and publishing news and events, and widening the (participation of) members.
Some themes that came from the meeting:
- Technology and migration
- State control over immigration
- Religion/mobility
- What does citizenship mean?
- Structural factors influencing asylum outcomes
- Time and migration/asylum
The coordinators will incorporate the ideas in the Conversations and other activities. If you like to collaborate, contribute or just get informed about future activities, please let us know through
Date: 17 July 2020