
UNRWA's Future in the Face of Financing Challenges and Political Pressure
In 2018, UNRWA, the largest of the UN family of agencies was hit by a budget cut of 30% by the Trump administration and has been in crisis mode ever since. Professor Michael Dumper's presentation is an attempt to map a possible way forward and to catalyze a dialogue between the donor community, refugee representatives and the PLO. The respondents to the talk are the Commissioner-General of UNRWA (Philippe Lazzarini), a representative of the Swedish government who currently chair the General Assembly’s Advisory Commission on UNRWA and are leading donors, the director of a leading Palestinian refugee organization (Badil) and a spokesperson of the Palestinian Administration. The Palestinian Economic Policy Research Institute (MAS) convenes an annual a series of Roundtable meetings to discuss important economic and social issues for the Palestinian decision-maker. These meetings aim to analyze these issues from various perspectives, with the participation of a select group of specialists and experts, to come up with practical recommendations for policymakers.
Invitation - Participation in 2020 Roundtable Meeting - September 23rd - Sixth 2020 Roundtable
UNRWA's Future in the Face of Financing Challenges and Political Pressure
For many years, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has faced severe financial hardship, forcing it to scale back a number of services it provides to Palestinian refugees. The financial crisis reached its peak after the decision of the United States administration to terminate the aid it provides to the Agency. UNRWA called on donors to increase their support, in order to compensate for the financial deficit. However, UNRWA's work as a provider of basic services for Palestinian refugees is not guaranteed in the context of the political pressures the Agency continues to face. This Roundtable aims to discuss ways to reassert the vital importance of the Agency's mandate and services, and enhance the Agency’s financial resources.
A background paper prepared by Professor Michael Dumper, of Exeter University, is provided.
The Roundtable session will be held Wednesday September 23rd 2020, from 13:00-15:00 in Ramallah, Main Hall in MAS Building- Al Masyoun- Mu’in Bseiso Street, and participation will also be possible through Zoom at the following link:
This Roundtable is the third organized in 2020 in cooperation with the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (HBS).
Simultaneous interpretation into Arabic will be available online and in the hall; interpretation to English will be only be available on Zoom.
Date: 24 September 2020