
Helena Wray, Elena Isayev and Ben Hudson
Routes Co-ordinators teach displacement, migrant rights and global health at Exeter Medical School
Routes Co-ordinators, Elena Isayev, Helena Wray and Ben Hudson, teach displacement, migrant rights and global health at Exeter Medical School.
Earlier this term, Elena, Helena and Ben had the pleasure of contributing towards an exciting, bespoke Student Selected Unit (SSU) at Exeter Medical School on Global and Planetary Health (GPH). Attended by medical students, the SSU sessions shone a light on displacement, health and migrant experiences. Elena introduced students to migration and displacement in their historical context, before then examining Médecins Sans Frontières’ role in refugee camps. Helena explored the UK national picture, in particular, the pre-emptive and real-time healthcare costs (financial and otherwise) incurred by migrants in the context of the hostile environment. Ben rounded off discussions by interrogating the European Court of Human Rights’ deliberations on migrant health rights in respect to proposed deportations alleged to violate the right to life or the prohibition of torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
“It was clear from students’ questions and comments how absolutely crucial what Laura and Shaher had organised for Exeter Medical School students was, not simply in terms of general knowledge but, as one of the students said, literally a different outlook on their world. He indicated that this was the first time since he has been in education that he has had a chance to discuss migration and displacement in this way. Some had not realised that there were different kinds of refugee camps and the extent and diversity of the backgrounds of people seeking refuge in our society.”
– Elena Isayev (Department of Classics and Ancient History)
“I really liked how you got lots of speakers to do little presentations – these were all really interesting.”
– Anonymous student
About the Global and Planetary Health SSU
The GPH SSU, ‘Human Migration and Health: A Global Perspective’, studied the links between migration, health/welfare and planetary/global health. As future medical and healthcare professionals may encounter migrants and refugees in their practice, the SSU was designed to equip Exeter Medical School students with the understanding and skills needed to provide fair treatment to all.
This interactive SSU was delivered by researchers from the University of Exeter, a representative from Refugee Support Devon, and members of the Migrant Solidarity Group (MSG) from Medact. It covered a wide range of topics, such as movement in the Anthropocene, migration in the ancient and modern worlds, humanitarianism, health rights, and insights from practice.
The SSU was designed and convened by Shaher Moseley and Laura Scheinert, both of whom are also active members of Routes at the University of Exeter.
Date: 22 March 2021