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Debby Cotton

Professor Debby Cotton

Centre hosts social mobility seminar on enhancing student retention and success

The second in the Centre for Social Mobility’s seminar series will take place on March 20th with a presentation by Professor Debby Cotton, Head of Teaching and Learning, at the University of Plymouth. 

Jointly hosted by the Education Incubator, Professor Cotton’s talk entitled ‘Widening Participation, Retention and Student Success’ will focus on a recent evaluation of a large-scale curriculum enrichment project which aimed to enhance retention and success. 

Positive outcomes were identified in terms of student attainment (including a narrowing of the gender attainment gap), student retention, and students’ perceptions of preparation and integration.

The seminar will be held in Laver Lecture Theatre 6 and open to all members of the Centre and for those who would like to join. You can book your place here

There will be an opportunity to continue the discussion over tea afterwards and you can find out more about the Centre here.

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