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Book your place at Social Mobility Conference

We will be launching our new Centre for Social Mobility with a conference on 12th June at Streatham Campus open to professional services staff, academics, research fellows and students with research interests.

The aim of this inaugural conference in the Alumni Auditorium/ Forum is to raise awareness and build working relationships across the University community to support a whole institution approach to social mobility.

You can book your place now for the event which will feature interactive information sessions and workshops with professional service staff, academics and students as speakers and facilitators.

We are also inviting academic staff and students to submit poster submissions on research work they have carried out on social mobility with a prize for the best entry – expressions of interest should be sent to Anna Mountford-Zimdars.

We will be inviting people to join the centre as core or affiliated staff for bidding for research funding and conducting and disseminating research.

Find out more and book your place.

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