A life-changing experience!
Great West Run 2011 - support the University!
Support packages available for those registering for the race through us. By selecting the University as your charity you will be eligible to pay the discounted race entry fee.
The race is organised by Ironbridge Runner Events and has up to 3000 participants, either racing for victory or competing for chair.
Why run?
People have many reasons for participating, it can be a life-changing experience for some and a chance to achieve something major, for others it is a chance to raise money for charity and 'give something back'.
Fancy Dress - dress up to the max and be the focal point of the event! Can you compete in a mad costume and raise funds for charity? (see more information about running for the University of Exeter)
Performance - who is the fastest student/staff? Enter as a team - maybe a department, society or sports club and see who has the fastest aggregate time!
Just compete - compete simply for the life-changing effect, or the fun, or the experience or you do it every year?
Which charity?
Did you know that the University of Exeter is an exempt charity (Ref: X9538)? By selecting the University as your charity you are helping the University achieve it's ambition of being a truly World Class institution. All we ask is you pledge to raise a minimum of £150. This is a great way to enhance the current student experience (and staff!) and continue the development of the University.
What support is available?
If you register through us then you are eligible for a support package which includes the following:
- Fundraising pack - advice, forms, tips and advice (only available if you select the University of Exeter as your chosen charity)
- 1:1 session with our very own Marathon expert
- Access and information about our running groups
- Access to a potential Great West Run running group
- Access to Nutrition Seminars, courses and advice
What if I am already registered?
Just let us know! We will add you to our list to help celebrate the success of the university staff and students. Many of you run every year but we don't know about you!
I want to enter!
Great. Excellent! Well done! Just download the registration form and send it back to us. We will register your place with Ironbridge Runner Events and contact you for accessing support.
If you are interested in selected the University of Exeter as your chosen charity please contact Louise Mackay or visit our community fundraising pages
For more information about the event and training support please contact the development team: Andrew Fry on 5119 or Paul Mouland on 2039
Let's celebrate and support local initiatives.
Date: 2 December 2010