Holistic Yoga
Wellbeing Week
Each academic year the University of Exeter Sports Park, along with many partners, delivers a week long wellbeing programme of activities and workshops for free.
This year's Wellbeing Week will run from 07 November 2011 to 12 November 2011 and there are over 20 different activities throughout the week ranging from fitness classes, health testing, alternative therapy sessions and much more.
A full timetable of activities can be found on the wellbeing pages of the University of Exeter Sport website. The week has been organised by Paul Mouland, Sport and Wellness Officer who said “this gives University staff and students the opportunity to take part in and experience many new activities they may have wanted to do but not had the opportunity. There really is something for everyone.”
This is the 3rd consecutive year Wellbeing Week has run and this year’s programme of activities is more comprehensive than ever. The Sports Park has seen a noticeable increase in fitness class attendance this year and as a result a wide range of classes has been included in the Wellness Week programme enabling more people to experience them for free. We have included the exciting new Nike Training Club class which uses a range of efficient and effective methods to keep you toned and strong. Holistic Yoga has also been included which focuses on improving flexibility, posture and body strength by using techniques which engage with the body, spirit and mind.
To book on to any of the activities please email Paul Mouland or call 01392 722039.
Date: 3 November 2011