Alex Powell is a member of the Women's hockey and Windsurfing Athletic Union clubs.
Alex Powell to be next AU president
The campaigns have ended, the votes have been counted and the race is over. After an incredibly exciting week Alex Powell (Exercise and Sports Science) has been elected as the next president of the Athletic Union (AU).
Alex, who is a member of the Women’s Hockey club and windsurfing club, will succeed current incumbent Joe Batten in July and hold the acclaimed position for twelve months.
She said: “It was an incredible feeling when they announced the result. All the hard work and running up and down Stocker Road in a wetsuit had paid off. Inevitably there are mixed emotions, you are so exhausted by the end of the week and you become very close to the other candidates. After the announcement of the results I just wanted to find the other candidates and congratulate them for running excellent campaigns and for making the week so competitive and memorable.
The whole elections process has been an emotional roller coaster. I'd like to say a massive thank you to everyone who helped campaign and in particular to everyone who voted, I’m still speechless and promise you all to try my hardest to continue to improve sport at Exeter.”
Alex’s goals for the up-coming year were clearly defined during her campaign and included:
- Keeping the new Sports Park affordable.
- Help develop the smaller AU clubs.
- Start a campaign for an indoor swimming pool on Streatham campus.
- Push BUCS rankings to 6th.
- Bigger & Better Varsities.
- Continue to increase Intramural sport.
- Improve International sport.
- Expand the AU Alumni scheme.
- Improve the AU website.
Throughout the election week campaigns took place for a number of sabbatical positions including AU President (Alex Powell), Guild President (Hannah Barton), VP Welfare and Community (Chris Rootkin), VP Academic Affairs (Alex Louch) and VP Participation and Campuses (Jak Curtis-Rendall).
Alex overcame tough competition from rival candidates David Rogal, Laurie Potter, James Gibson and Brendan Gilson, who all put together brilliant campaigns and also received great support. The results were announced on Friday 8 February at a formal ceremony in the Lemon Grove on Streatham Campus after a massive turnout at the polls.
VP Participation and Campuses incumbent Jon Bagnall said: “Last week we saw 34% of the student body vote in this year’s Sabbatical Elections. This is a great turnout and is way above the averages found at other Universities in our sector and the Russell Group. All candidates and canvassers should be extremely proud of the hard-work and long hours they did in order to achieve one of the most exciting and interesting elections week we have seen for many years.”
Current AU president Joe Batten added “All of the candidates have worked exceptionally hard during the campaign and have certainly raised the bar for future campaigners I am really pleased for Alex. I have thoroughly enjoyed my term in office but cannot think of a better successor to take my place in July. I look forward to working with her at the start of her term in office and sharing our ideas.”
Date: 12 February 2013