90 girls from across campus helped to raise over £200 for the Movember campaign.
‘Mo Sistas’ battle it out for Movember
On Saturday 9 November over 90 women from across the University took to the Sports Park to participate in a multi-sport charity day supporting Movember.
Donning pink ‘Mo Sista’ t-shirts, eight teams competed in a series of friendly sports matches including netball, rugby, football and dodgeball for the coveted Mo Sista trophy.
The ‘Mo Sista’ campaign is part of the international ‘Movember’ movement which sees millions of men grow moustaches during November each year. The stunt is designed to raise awareness and funds for men’s health issues including prostate and testicular cancer. Women or ‘Mo Sistas’ support the campaign by holding charitable events and donning false moustaches throughout the month.
University Movember committee members were on-hand throughout the day to design henna moustaches in exchange for donations, alongside Red Bull and Bank clothing who generously donated refreshments and a raffle prize.
Exeter Student Events also provided free entry to The BOP bar on St Luke’s Campus for everyone who participated.
Despite the cold weather, over £200 was raised for the charity, a result that AU president Alex Powell was delighted with. She commented: “Every November both Streatham and St Luke’s Campuses become the scenes of some fantastic moustache growing to raise money for men’s health.
“Having spoken to a few of the girls around campus we decided that we wanted to show our support for this great cause too. The turnout has been brilliant and it’s great to see so many getting into the spirit of things, wearing their own henna moustaches and helping to make the day so enjoyable. I want a say a massive thank you to all those who took part and helped such a good cause.”
Every year the Athletic Union raises £1000s for a variety of charities through one-off events, varsity matches and fundraisers. In September the annual football varsity raised over £2500 for the Adam Stansfield Foundation and Cardiomyopathy Association.
Alex added: “Raising money for charity is an important part of what we do at the Athletic Union. Each of our 49 sports clubs are always willing to get stuck in and help raise funds and we will continue to provide support to as many causes as we can each year.”
The honours of the day went to the University of Exeter Student Netball Club first team, who fought off close competition from the Women’s rugby club to take the title of ‘University of Exeter Mo Sista champions’.
Date: 22 November 2013