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James Marks

James Marks

James Marks - book of condolence

It is with deep sorrow that the University of Exeter Business School has learned of the death of James Marks, Lecturer in Accounting in the Department of Finance and Accounting.

Jim joined the Business School in 2009 and was a much valued and respected member of academic staff.

His enthusiasm for Accounting was something that inspired a great number of students to pursue careers in this area. He passed away on 11 October following a long illness. He will be missed by many. Our heartfelt condolences go out to his family.

View messages of condolence

Messages of condolence

It is with the deepest sadness that I am writing this. My heartfelt condolences go out to James's family. I can't imagine the grief and loss you must all be feeling. James was a ray of sunshine, a true gent and an all round top bloke. He was also a lovely friend and great colleague who will stay in our memory forever.

Rest in peace, James xx

Dr Kim Soin
University of Exeter Business School 

"Back in 2009 this ball of fun arrived in the business school. A cheeky chap with just the right hint of cynicism to keep things in perspective. An excellent teacher filled with passion for his subject. With Jim you knew he really cared about what he did and could be relied on at all times.

A lasting memory for me will be when, exhausted at the end of a long term a few of us sat around having a drink reflecting on the term. I asked 'so what was your best moment' to which he replied 'today and this drink'!
With that big grin across his face.

You will be missed and I'm grateful that I got to work alongside you. Jackie x"

Jackie B
Business School

"Jim was an inspiration to all who met him. His passion for education and inspiring young minds was his driving force, making the incomprehensible accessible. Jim was my mentor in Exeter College and the reason I started my career in teaching. We joined the Business School on the same day as Teaching Fellows and we remained close friends ever since often sharing the challenges and highs of academic life over a coffee in La Touché!

He was a very special man and a true gentleman. My thoughts go to Mandy and the boys at this sad time." 

Sandy Bolton (nee Williams) Academic Mentor Senior Leaders’ MBA
Degree Apprenticeship

Such a sad loss of a great colleague and friend. Will always be missed but never forgotten.


A great colleague, the students will especially miss Jim

John Maloney

"I am truly saddened by the passing of James Marks. I cannot say that I was a close friend of Jim’s, but we often stopped and talked with each other when we saw ourselves passing on campus. The thing that always attracted me to Jim was his passion and dedication to students. Jim was a person who cared. He cared about his students and he cared about other people’s lives. He always seemed to be able to relate to other people and their issues. He was a good listener. When approaching Jim on campus, life was just better. He always brought a smile to my face and I always felt better about myself after having spoken to him. That is a rare quality to have. He will be missed by many. I will miss him. My condolences go out to his family and his close friends."

Alex Thompson

I am so sorry to hear of Jim's passing. I will miss our corridor conversations, not just the chat itself, but the customary 'Sir James' 'Sir Jim' greetings we both fell in to. I had the pleasure of reading every year some of the comments that students wrote, which were surpassed in praise only by what colleagues routinely said.

James Eva
Quality Assurance, University of Exeter 

Sending my condolences to your family and loved ones at this difficult time. You were an excellent lecturer and made Accounting fun and easy to understand - something I never thought possible as an A Level maths failure! May you rest in peace.

Georgia Thomas, Campaigns Manager

You proved every day that learning can be fun. Your passion for teaching was infectious and left every student feel more confident and happy. You will be greatly missed. Thank you, Jim, for being so caring.

Sebastian Stuart-Banks (BA)

"Jim was one of my first lecturers in my first year at the University of Exeter and his knowledge and passion for the subject was infectious.

He was always available to answer any queries we had and was a joy to spend time around.

I offer my sincere condolences to his family and friends."

Simon Dewhurst ACA
BA Accounting and Finance

Jim was my personal tutor when I joined the university and he witnessed my progress from being an undergraduate student to a PhD student. He was like a father who offered me many valuable life guidance and advice. My thoughts are with his family and I will never forget him.

Dr Chaoyuan She
Essex Business School 

It was with great sorrow that I heard of your passing. I remember you from my time as a PhD student in Exeter when we bumped in the corridor, always smiling and spreading a positive vibe. My heartfelt condolences to your family.

Dr Dooruj Rambaccussing
School of Business, University of Dundee 

I am deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Jim Marks. He was an incredible lecturer who has left an indelible impact on his students. I will always miss the happy days. All my deepest and heartfelt condolences.

Jacqueline Chan 

"I was a first year Accounting and Finance student in 2009 and Jim was my first lecturer ever that I met in Exeter. Over the years, we have become colleagues when I moved to be an Accounting Scholar and a Teaching Fellow. Jim has inspired generations of accounting students with his teaching skills and insights.

My most favourite Jim moment was back in 2012. I just returned to Exeter after spending a summer in Vietnam. I brought some mooncakes for the Accounting Department, which were meant to be shared amongst all the staff. Jim did not know and took a big bite of a whole moon cake, and he finished half of it. Then he went on and said "this is a little heavy, I don't think I can finish all of it in one go".

I am sure Jim will be greatly missed by all of us."

AnhViet Huynh - Former student and colleague
University of Exeter Business School 

"I was deeply sadden to learn of the death of Jim.

I had the privilege of working with Jim first at Exeter College on the University's collaborative degree programme and again when he join the University. He was an ideal colleague, always enthusiastic and hard working and I admired his commitment to students and the quality of their learning experience.

He will be greatly missed."

Paul Collier
Business School 

Jim was a kind soul and remarkable man. Everyone in the School is better for having known him. It’s a privilege to have him as a colleague and friend and we were all humbled by his kindness and compassion to everyone around him. Jim will be greatly missed.

Bill Peng
Finance and Accounting 

Such a lovely colleague during our time in the Business Department at Exeter College: always helpful and kind. Will always remember your laugh and your love of West Ham Utd. Love to your Family

Matthew Wilson 

Jim, we lost you too soon. You were not only a dedicated and excellent teacher, but a wonderful, funny and kind-hearted colleague and friend. Your family should be so proud of you for the positive impact that you had made on the lives of the people that crossed your path. May your soul rest in peace.

Chen Lim
Finance & Accounting 

Amanda, I was so sorry to hear about Jim. Thinking of you and your family xxx

Cat North

Dear Amanda and family. Devastated to hear of your immense loss. I hope time helps ease the pain you must be experiencing.

Susan Fallon

"Dear Amanda and family, Truly saddened to hear the sad loss of Jim. Wishing you and the boys all my love at this difficult time."

Jules Crispin

I send my deepest sympathies during this time to the Marks family. My warmest wishes go to Amanda who was a much loved member of the workload planning team and we'll be thinking of her and her family. I wish you all moments of peace and comfort.

Zoe Bright, Workload Planning Administrator

I am heartbroken and lost for words. Jim was such a great colleague and friend. He was always there when I needed him.

I remember the drawing competitions in our office and all the chats we had. He was so eager about his plans to visit many places and to have many adventures. Life at times can be a disappointing experience.

Rest in peace old friend. You will be sadly missed!

Our thoughts and prayers are with Mandy and the boys during this difficult time.

Sending you condolences and hugs.

Aurel Kucani
Finance and Accounting Department, Business School

I am so sorry to hear about this and send my deepest thoughts and sympathies to you and your family Amanda. I am just so so sorry.

Gareth P

Amanda, I am so sad to hear of Jim's death. I hope that all of the fond memories that you and the boys will have from your adventures together will help you through the grief. Although I didn't know Jim, it is clear that he will be greatly missed and we are all thinking of you x

Fiona Kugele

Jim was always there ... always there for his students, always there for his colleagues, always there for his friends and always there for his family. He has provided with me so much support over the years and humour when I needed it most. We have lost a gem too soon. My thoughts are with Mandy and his boys at this difficult time.

Nicky Thomas
Accounting, University of Exeter

A very sad loss of a dear and kind colleague. Jim was always happy to help and it was a pleasure to talk to him about life as well as the job. He will be missed!

Gilad Livne (Professor of Accounting)
Accounting, UEBS

I feel grateful to have worked with Jim. He always showed positivity whenever we met. He could lift your spirits in a moment, in a way that few others so freely are able, or choose to. His kindness and perspective has greatly helped me many times.
There was sadness leading up to the end of his employment and the thought of him not being around professionally, but that sentiment is even deeper because he has left this world too soon: not just for himself and the life he had to come, but for his family, and for those fortunate enough to encounter him in our own lives.

Thank you, Jim. It has been a pleasure and privilege to know you.


Joanne Abraham
Accounting colleague

A friend and colleague who will be truly missed. Caring, compassionate and a fantastic educator.


One of my personal, (and unique), memories of Jim, is that I never heard a bad word about him. The students really liked him, hence there was always a lot of requests to have him as their Personal Tutor. If he wasn't in a hurry en route to a lecture, he would stop and have a chat at Reception and we'd nearly always end up laughing. When he came in one day, he said, "Look at what I've done Ali ~ I wondered why they weren't as comfy as usual". He'd put his shoes on the wrong feet! Just laughed at himself. We would often talk about holidays and he would tell me where he and his family had been and what their future plans were for their next trip. Jim was "what you see is what you get", and how glad I am that I was lucky enough to have had him as a colleague. When I retired in June last year, he said some lovely things to me, which I won't forget. An all-round special man.

Alison/Ali Strong
Business School Receptionist

Jim became my personal tutor when I arrived in Exeter as an undergraduate in 2014. He was so friendly and funny and made settling in to academic life at university much easier. Not only was he a great teacher, but I was so grateful for all the help and support he offered me when I was applying for year in industry places in second year. He always made time for me and it was always a great to see him around the business school for a chat. My thoughts are with Jim's family and friends.

Alex Owen
Business & Accounting

Just gutted. I'll miss the early morning chats - usually about the previous night's football! West Ham will always be "Jim's team" now for me. What a great man. My thoughts to Mandy and the boys.

John Burns

Date: 23 October 2020