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World is embracing clean energy, says University of Exeter professor

Renewable, energy efficient and flexible electricity sources are being adopted by policy makers and investors across the globe and this is sign of optimism in the battle against climate change.

Catastrophic failure of South American ice age dam changed Pacific Ocean circulation and climate

Research could help scientists understand potential effects of melting ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica.

New research helps solve the riddle of the ocean carbon conundrum

About a quarter of the carbon dioxide we release each year into the atmosphere ends up in the ocean, but how it happens is still not fully understood.

University of Exeter hosts extreme weather festival

BBC presenter Dr Helen Czerski and Met Office Chief Scientist Professor Dame Julia Slingo will be among the world-leading climate change experts speaking at a family-friendly festival at the University of Exeter this weekend.  

Risk of multiple tipping points should be triggering urgent global action on climate change

To avoid multiple climate tipping points, policy makers need to act now to stop global CO2 emissions by 2050.

Researchers find significant greening on Earth

There has been an increase in leaves on plants and trees on the Earth equivalent in area to two times the continental USA, a new study shows.

Commuters set to take front seat in new project to cut traffic congestion

Commuters are set to become the driving force behind a new initiative designed to help reduce traffic congestion in and around Exeter.

A new mobile phone app for grassroots mapping

Exeter academics have created an app which could help aid humanitarian rescue work in disaster-struck regions by using geographic data to map landscapes.

Crucial interaction between fire and mankind explored in new research

A pioneering team of international researchers have devised a ‘manifesto for fire science’ to explore the pivotal relationship that exists between mankind and fire, on a global stage.

Last call for commuters to help steer traffic congestion project

Researchers at the University of Exeter who are working on an initiative to curb traffic congestion are issuing a final call for help from commuters.

Carbon dioxide biggest player in thawing permafrost

Carbon dioxide emissions from dry and oxygen-rich environments are likely to play a much greater role in controlling future rates of climate change.

El Nino drives fastest annual increase on record of carbon dioxide

The rising concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide has passed a symbolic threshold early due to the fastest annual increase on record.

Exeter researcher shortlisted for prominent ESRC prize

A University of Exeter geographer has been nominated for a prestigious national award that celebrates research that makes a difference to society. 

Crucial peatlands carbon-sink vulnerable to rising sea levels

Rising sea-levels linked to global warming could pose a significant threat to the effectiveness of the world’s peatland areas as carbon sinks.

Acting together can reduce the risks climate change poses to the UK

The independent Committee on Climate Change today concludes that the impacts of climate change are already being felt in the UK, and urgent action is required to address climate-related risks. 

High chance that current atmospheric greenhouse concentrations commit to warmings greater than 1.5 °C

Current levels of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations warm air temperatures overland by over 1.5°C.

Humble moss helped create our oxygen-rich atmosphere

The evolution of the first land plants including mosses may explain a long-standing mystery of how Earth’s atmosphere became enriched with oxygen.

Exeter geographers use games to show festival goers the importance of water management

Revellers at Green Man Festival explored the importance of water and land use management by using a range of games and information boards.

Exeter Geography Research at the Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference 2016

Human Geography researchers from across the Geography department at the University of Exeter are presenting and sharing their research at the Annual International Conference of the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) in London this week.

Non-smoking planet: clues for tipping from vicious to virtuous behaviour identified

A new analysis shows that social norms can cross tipping points faster if new behaviour is difficult for others to ignore. 

Scientists find link between tropical storms and decline of river deltas

A change in the patterns of tropical storms is threatening the future of the Mekong River delta in Vietnam, indicating a similar risk to other deltas around the world, new research shows.

Soil could become a significant source of carbon dioxide, experts warn

If people continue using and changing land over the next century in the same way they currently do, soils will have limited potential to counter the effect of climate change. 

Image of Geothermal river in Sierra Nevada wins CGES photo competiton

Student Laura Herron has won the Centre for Geography and Environment and Society field course photo competition.

Exeter professor appointed to influential global research advisory group

A world-leading social scientist from the University of Exeter has been appointed to an influential global research group, designed to pioneer new ways to tackle some of today’s greatest challenges.

Laser technique boosts aerial imaging of woodlands

A ground-breaking technique which allows green spaces to be mapped in 3D from an aircraft could boost biodiversity, aid human wellbeing and even help protect rainforests.

Longest-living animal gives climate change clues

A study of the longest-living animal on Earth, the quahog clam, has demonstrated the vital role oceans play in the planet’s changing climate.

Exeter students reach final two in global competition

A team of students from the University of Exeter have reached the final knock-out round of an esteemed international competition, designed to help boost their career potential.

Exeter academic wins teaching award

A University of Exeter academic has won a prestigious teaching award from the Higher Education Academy (HEA).

Commuter-led project to cut congestion set to move into second gear

The first stage of a commuter-driven initiative designed to help reduce traffic congestion has revealed some fascinating results, organisers have said.

Exeter research wins Elsevier Atlas prize

A University of Exeter research paper on using mobile phones to manage disease outbreaks has won a prestigious prize.

Mysteries of Father Christmas ‘solved’ by relativity theory

The mystery of how Father Christmas can deliver presents to 700 million children in one night, fit down the chimney and arrive without being seen or heard has been ‘solved’ by a physicist.