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The prize winner for this academic year will be announced in the summer 2017.

The Ashurst Outstanding Law Student Prize

We are delighted to introduce a new annual prize for the exceptional final year LLB student at Exeter Law School. The prize is offered by the leading international law firm, Ashurst.

The prize is open to all students who obtained a final degree result of 65% or more but who can also demonstrate excellent extracurricular non-academic achievements over their three year or four year LLB degree. The latter could include, by way of example, setting up new initiatives relating to law which translated into tangible outcomes that helped others, such as setting up a charity providing legal advice, or running fund-raising initiatives that helped others in the legal context.

The winner will receive £500 and an invitation to lunch at Ashurst during which the prize will be formally presented. Ashurst partner Mark Edwards comments, "We are delighted to be partnering with the University of Exeter Law School on this new award. Our Exeter graduate trainees have, for many years, demonstrated a combination of consistent stellar academic achievement and a commitment to use their legal business skillset to contribute to wider social well-being. In launching this award we are looking to celebrate and encourage those two values which are mutually shared by our firm and the University of Exeter."

The full prize specifications are available on these Powerpoint slides. The students who are likely to meet the criteria are encouraged to discuss their nominations with the prize Committee Members or the Director of Prizes and Scholarships, Radek Stech by Friday 9 June 2017. This year, the Committee includes: Michael Addo, Matthew Cole, Richard Edwards, Agnieszka Jachec-Neale, Tia Matt, Kyriaki Noussia, Frederic Rolland, Nathan Tamblyn and Christina Walton.

The prize winner for this academic year will be announced in the summer 2017.

Date: 7 April 2017

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