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Centre of Advanced International Studies news archive 2011-21

New book by Politics academic is published with Oxford University Press

A new volume, edited by Klejda Mulaj, Postgenocide: Interdisciplinary Reflections on the Effects of Genocide (2021) deepens and broadens considerations of genocide’s aftermath.

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Joint CAIS – Q-STEP project on far-right internet receives major grant

The team aims to map the thousands of websites and platforms constituting the far-right online ecosystem.

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Book by Politics academic receives special mention of excellence

Gregorio Bettiza, Senior Lecturer in International Relations, received a Special Mention of Excellence for his book Finding Faith in Foreign Policy from the prestigious European Academy of Religion

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CAIS launches blog on the global politics of COVID-19

Drs John Heathershaw and Brieg Powel lead the initiative - a new blog where CAIS experts unpack the political dimension of the ongoing pandemic.

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Exeter team receives a CREST award for research on far-right forums

Drs Stephane Baele, Lewys Brace and Travis Coan, based at Q-STEP and CAIS, conduct research on the far-right "Chan" forums.

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New research unpacking extremist groups' "visual style"

A team of Exeter experts offer a new framework for the analysis of extremist groups' use of visual imagery in propaganda.

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Stephane Baele and Travis Coan co-edit new book exploring ISIS Propaganda

'ISIS Propaganda: A Full Spectrum Extremist Message' explores all facets of ISIS propaganda, enhancing our understanding of the group's history, messaging, and recruitment

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Exeter Politics Academic speaks to pupils about the EU’s relations with the Middle East and North Africa

Dr Irene Fernandez-Molina speaks to school pupils in Salisbury about the EU’s relations with the Middle East and North Africa.

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Nils-Christian Bormann’s research cited in the World Bank’s Pathways for Peace report.

The Bank’s report uses several articles written by Dr Bormann to develop the “inclusive approach to preventing violent conflict” promoted in the document.

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Doug Stokes co-edits special issue of International Affairs on the durability of the Liberal International Order

The January 2018 special issue was launched with a public lecture on February 22nd

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CAIS Professor Mick Dumper in the New York Times.

Professor Dumper discussed the context of Trump’s decision to move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

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Anarchy and International Relations: A Reconsideration

 Dr Alex Prichard contributes to a special issue of the Journal of International Political Theory.

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Professor Doug Stokes is co-editing a special issue of the journal International Affairs (Oxford University Press)

The special issue's theme is on the durability of the liberal international order in a time of relative American decline, rising powers and the Trump Administration

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Anarchy Rules! Exeter researcher to speak at conference opened by President of Iceland

Alex Prichard will be visiting Reykjavik for three days from the 18 - 20 October for a series of talks and discussions on the relevance of anarchist theory to contemporary politics.

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Professor Doug Stokes examines rising non-Western states, global shifts in economic power, illiberal non-state actors and the deep seated political, social and racial problems in the US

Professor Stokes is working with City University's Inderjeet Parmar and Princeton's John Ikenberry on a new project entitled Ordering the World? Liberal Internationalism in Theory and Practice.

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New award to examine the constitutionalising practices of anarchist and anarchistic groups

Alex Prichard (Exeter) and Ruth Kinna (Loughborough) have been awarded £249,496 by the ESRC Transforming Social Science scheme for their project titled 'Anarchy as Constitutional Principle: Constitutionalising in anarchist politics'.

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Professor Doug Stokes discusses opportunities with the prestigious S Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) in Singapore

Professor Doug Stokes visited Dean Ralf Emmers and Professor Ang Cheng Guan at the prestigious S Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) in Singapore in April to discuss teaching and research relations between our two institutions.

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Jerusalem Unbound: a City in Conflict

A new book, Jerusalem Unbound, plots the history and examines the underlying factors that make a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians so difficult.

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David Lewis speaks at Foreign and Commonwealth Office

7 March 2014
David Lewis spoke at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office seminar, ‘Afghanistan as a threat to Central Asia: myth or reality?

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John Heathershaw speaks at inaugural meeting of All-Party Parliamentary Group on Tajikistan

1 April 2014
Heathershaw’s talk ‘Tajikistan’s economic prospects and problems: hydropower, aluminium production and electricity exports’m, addressed current developments in Tajikistan and particularly the country’s progress as a candidate member of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI).

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Martin Shaw to work with the Centre of Advanced International Studies.

3 March 2014
We are delighted to confirm that Martin Shaw, historical sociologist of global politics, war and genocide, will work with the Centre of Advanced International Studies.

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College staff contribute to International Affairs journal 4 November 2013

The last issue of International Affairs (September 2013, Vol. 89) published by Chatham House,  included not just one, or two, or three, but actually four separately submitted articles by College staff.

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Professor Doug Stokes contributes a policy piece on Syria to RUSI.

Professor Doug Stokes, Professor of International Relations at the University of Exeter is also a Senior Associate Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI).

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Professor Doug Stokes discusses his most recent article published in the September issue of International Affairs.

Professor Doug Stokes has co-authored an article with Richard G. Whitman, entitled: 'Transatlantic triage? European and UK ‘grand strategy’ after the US rebalance to Asia.'

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Professor Doug Stokes will present his latest research on UK and US grand strategy at the UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office in April 2013.

The subject of the symposium is on America's 'Asia pivot' and Sino-US rivalries in terms of soft power projection, economic competition, identity and security matters.

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Professor Doug Stokes to judge the ‘Susan Strange Book Prize’ for best book in international relations in 2012.

Professor Doug Stokes has been asked by BISA to act as one of three appointed international judges for the prestigious ‘Susan Strange Book Prize’ for best book in international relations in 2012.

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Dr Alex Prichard has been awarded the 2013 SWEPSA IR Section Guest Lecturer.

Dr Prichard will discuss his research on anarchism and world order at the Universities of Lund, Uppsala and Stockholm.

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Conflict in Cities and the Contested State Briefing Papers launched in London.

A series of Briefing Papers for the ESRC-funded Conflict in Cities and the Contested State project were launched at a public meeting in London on 8th November.

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Lucy Morgan Edwards visited the department 13 June 2012.

Lucy Morgan Edwards visited the department to speak on her book, The Afghan Solution: The Inside Story of Abdul Haq, the CIA and how Western hubris lost Afghanistan (2011).

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British Ambassadors briefed on Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan

Foreign and Commonwealth Office makes us of CAIS' expertiese

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Lecture by Anna Matveeva - Truth-telling after conflict

The international Kyrgyzstan Inquiry Commission and the 2010 ethnic violence

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