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The prize, introduced in 2017, is offered by the leading international law firm, Ashurst.

The Ashurst Outstanding Law Student Prize 2018

The Law School is delighted to offer an annual prize for the exceptional final year LLB student at Exeter Law School. The prize, introduced in 2017, is offered by the leading international law firm, Ashurst.

The prize is open to all students who obtained a final degree result of 65% or more but who can also demonstrate excellent extracurricular non-academic achievements over their three year/four year LLB or Graduate LLB degree. The latter could include, by way of example, setting up new initiatives relating to law which translated into tangible outcomes that helped others, such as setting up a charity providing legal advice, or running fund-raising initiatives that helped others in the legal context. The full prize specifications are available on these Powerpoint slides.

Last year, the prize received much interest from the high quality candidates and the winner was selected after a very rigorous process. No doubt, this year will be as competitive. To facilitate the selection process, we are asking students to complete this form and please make sure you adhere to the word limits.

Please send completed forms by email to Dr Radek Stech, the Director of Prizes and Scholarships, and cc the Law Office – by 1st June 2018.

Date: 28 March 2018