News archive 2016

Be wary of knotweed advice on the web, researchers warn
Gardeners turning to the internet for advice about Japanese knotweed are likely to find a wide range of potentially misleading advice.

Inaugural Employer Forum held at Penryn
The first University of Exeter Cornwall Campuses Employer Forum has been held to showcase the ways in which the university can work with local businesses.

From rehearsal to the stage, Cornwall medics perform at Glastonbury festival
A group of Exeter Medical Students delivered top medical care at Glastonbury Festival.

Scavenger crows provide public service, research shows
Crows are performing a useful function and keeping our environment free from rotting carcasses, research carried out at the University of Exeter in Cornwall has discovered.

Cornishman to preside over first University of Exeter Graduation ceremonies in Truro
The University of Exeter’s new Chancellor, Lord Myners of Truro, will come home to Cornwall to preside over graduation ceremonies in the county for the first time today.

Tiny microbe turns tropical butterfly into male killer, scientists discover
A scientist from the University of Exeter has helped to identify a male-killing microbe in a tropical butterfly called the African Queen.

Solar energy professor wins top Indian community accolade
A University of Exeter professor and solar energy expert has been honoured for his services to education.

Did you experience drought of ‘76?
Researchers are urging people who experienced the 1976 drought to share their stories of how they coped during the most severe water shortage in living memory.

World’s largest behavioural ecology conference comes to Exeter
The University of Exeter will host global research leaders in the field of behavioural ecology on July 28 to August 3.

Cornish children get hands-on with academia at Science in the Square
Children will ponder global scientific questions alongside some of the best researchers in the country at a free, interactive event in Cornwall.

Nature, not nurture, defines cricket social networks
The social lives of crickets are similar generation to generation, even though the insects can’t learn directly from their mum and dad.

University leads the Russell Group in student satisfaction rankings
The University of Exeter is highest ranked amongst the 24 members of the prestigious Russell Group of research-intensive institutions in the National Student Survey based on Overall Satisfaction.

University of Exeter reinforces position in influential world ranking
The University of Exeter has reinforced its position as one of the best universities in the world, according to the latest influential rankings.

Exeter students get taste of Indian university life
Six University of Exeter students have spent two weeks studying on an Indian University campus as part of a British Council scheme to foster collaboration.

Students from first mathematics “free” school celebrate exam success
One of England’s first mathematics free schools is sending record rates of students to the world’s best universities, just two years after opening.

University of Exeter welcomes call for ban on microbeads in cosmetics
A University of Exeter academic has welcomed calls from MPs for a ban on the use of microbeads in cosmetics because of the marine pollution they are causing.

Biological invasions threaten biodiversity, economy and human livelihood in developing countries
Invasions from alien species threaten the economies and livelihoods of residents of some of the world’s poorest nations.

Family events for all at ‘Festival of Discovery’
Penryn’s position as the ‘historical home of Cornish learning’ will be reinforced this weekend at a special family fun event, hosted by experts from the University of Exeter.

Students from Exeter Mathematics School celebrate completion of unique course
The University of Exeter hosted a special event to celebrate the outstanding academic achievements of students from the Exeter Mathematics School.

University of Exeter part of Penryn Town Fair celebrations
Academics and other University of Exeter staff helped to celebrate the Penryn 800 Town Fair at the August bank holiday weekend

African fishers undertake highly risky expeditions to make a living
Fishers in Central Africa often cover hundreds of miles in very basic boats without engines searching for food to feed their families and make a living, a new study shows.

Magma build-up at active Japanese volcano poses threat to "Naples of the Eastern World", research shows
Pioneering new study could help provide early-warning system for volcanic eruptions worldwide.

Exeter Provost appointed to prestigious Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) panel
Professor Janice Kay, Provost and Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Exeter, has been appointed to the high-level Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) panel.

'Green exercise’ in England benefits health to the tune of £2.2 billion a year
Physical activity in natural environments, or ‘green exercise’, is estimated to provide health benefits of £2.2 billion a year to the English adult population.

Ocean fronts attract ocean wanderers – foraging gannets on the front line
Foraging seabirds use oceanic fronts as an efficient means to forage for food, according to an international study that could help safeguard the future of protected species.

Exeter cements position amongst global top in influential global rankings
The University of Exeter has cemented its position as being amongst the top universities worldwide, in a respected global league table (released today).

Exeter secures ‘best of the South West’ position in Times Good University Guide
Exeter has been named the top university in the South West in the influential The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2017.

Exeter graduate to play pivotal role in saving Mrs Tiggy-Winkle
The humble hedgehog is to be given a helping hand in its fight for survival, thanks to a recent graduate from the University of Exeter.

Consistency builds cohesion - the art of group success
New research finds that fish with consistent and predictable personalities are more successful in social groups and help to build tighter and more coordinated shoals.

Coastal wildlife more vulnerable to microplastics than expected
Coastal dwelling marine wildlife, including crabs, lobsters and shellfish, which play a crucial role in the food chain, are more vulnerable to harmful plastic pollution than previously expected.

Exeter scientists awarded prestigious Royal Society University Research Fellowships
Three outstanding early-career scientists from the University of Exeter have been bestowed with prestigious fellowships from the Royal Society.

Ocean giants and pasty thieves… the next episode of NatureWatch is here
The elusive basking shark takes centre stage in the latest fascinating instalment of NatureWatch, released today.

Large animals, such as the imperious African elephant, most vulnerable to impact of human expansion
Some of the most iconic giants of the animal kingdom, such as the imperious African elephant and the majestic lion, are most vulnerable to the detrimental impact of human expansion.

Student secures first female mining scholarship at Camborne School of Mines
A student at the world-famous Camborne School of Mines has been awarded a valuable scholarship, as she embarks on her first steps towards forging a successful mining career.

Silver celebration: National award recognises commitment to equality
The University of Exeter’s Mathematics and Computer Science departments’ commitment to gender equality have been recognised through a prestigious national award scheme.

Penryn’s rich cultural history celebrated in special Arts festival
A unique event designed to celebrate Penryn’s rich cultural history is being supported by the University of Exeter.

Cornwall Mining Alliance launched
A new group which brings together Cornwall’s mining expertise has been launched in an event at the University of Exeter’s Penryn Campus.

New Medical School Pro-Vice Chancellor now in post
Globally-renowned dementia and ageing expert Professor Clive Ballard is now in post as the new Dean and Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University of Exeter Medical School.

Food supply – not ‘live fast, die young’ mentality – makes male crickets chirpy
Shedding a few pounds might be a good strategy in the human dating game, but for crickets the opposite is true.

Olympic champion Sally Gunnell opens £4 million sports centre in Penryn
Olympic gold medal winner Sally Gunnell OBE has officially opened a £4 million new sports facility at the Penryn Campus.

New partnership between Exeter and the Center for Whale Research
The Vice Chancellor met with Professor Darren Croft and Dr Deborah Giles at the Center for Whale Research on San Juan Islands USA to talk about the work they have been doing.

Brand new fleet of high-tech buses launched at Penryn Campus
A new fleet of high-tech buses has been launched at Penryn Campus

2016 Cornwall Sports Awards winners announced
The University of Exeter was a main sponsor of this year’s Cornwall Sports Awards.

Production of seedless fruits an under-estimated tool for improving food security, research shows
The opportunity to produce bountiful levels of vital food crops such as apples, tomatoes and watermelons could be boosted by reducing a crop’s demand for pollinators, new research has shown.

CSM students dig deep for victory at international mining competition
Students from the Camborne School of Mines are celebrating becoming global champions at an internationally-celebrated mining competition.

The University of Exeter sponsors Falmouth Spring Festival 2017
Large Autumn bulb planting effort launches Spring Festival 2017.

Exeter experts join global response to climate change health crisis
Experts at the University of Exeter will join forces with 15 other organisations worldwide to drive action on climate change given potential “catastrophic risk to human health”.

Universities unite with industry to foster next generation researchers
The University of Exeter is part of a newly awarded £19 million doctorial training partnership programme with industry leaders.

New research in Malawi will help to secure raw materials for green technologies.
Pioneering new insights into why high concentrations of some of the most rare and desirable natural elements - vital for the production of vital environmental, digital and security technologies – have been revealed.

Students and staff recognised in Medical School awards
Outstanding students and staff based in Exeter and Truro have been recognised for their commitment and academic excellence at the University of Exeter Medical School’s annual Prizes and Awards ceremony.

New project aims to strengthen creative and cultural economy in South West England and South East Wales
A new project to broker partnerships between the arts and humanities sector and universities in South West England and South East Wales to generate economic growth has received funding.

Electronic Tracking of Song Birds Shows Roads and Urban Features Influence Choice of Gardens
Bird feeders visited more often in suburban gardens than terraced streets.

Children invited to explore the science of Christmas
Top scientists will put their minds to Christmas conundrums at a family friendly science event in Falmouth on Wednesday 14 December.

World-leading Ocean Energy Professor receives prestigious international scholarship
One of the world’s leading Renewable Energy experts has received a prestigious international award, in recognition to his ground-breaking research into ocean energy and technology.

Vital vaccine could “reduce burden” of dengue disease in hardest-hit regions
The first licensed vaccine for the potentially life-threatening dengue virus should only be used in moderate-to high impacted regions, new research has predicted.

Laser technique boosts aerial imaging of woodlands
A ground-breaking technique which allows green spaces to be mapped in 3D from an aircraft could boost biodiversity, aid human wellbeing and even help protect rainforests.

Former Exeter students plan Nigeria documentary
Two aspiring filmmakers are raising money for an ambitious wildlife documentary project in Nigeria.

Beach litter study finds rise in polystyrene foam, balloons and fishing nets
Researchers from the University of Exeter and Plymouth Marine Laboratory have studied the findings from beach litter surveys carried out over a ten year period.

From English beavers to burrowing bees, NatureWatch is back
An English beaver and her young steal the spotlight in the latest captivating episode of NatureWatch, released today.

Exeter scoops celebrated award at “Oscars” of higher education
The University of Exeter’s position as being amongst the most innovative global institutions has been strengthened after winning a prestigious award at a high-profile ceremony, known as the ‘Oscars’ of higher education.

Consortium awarded £5.5 million to increase HE participation from disadvantaged backgrounds
The University of Exeter is part of a South-West consortium of universities and colleges that has won £5.5 million in funding to inspire young people from disadvantaged backgrounds into higher education.

Internet data could boost conservation
Businesses routinely use internet data to learn about customers and increase profits – and similar techniques could be used to boost conservation.

Exeter Provost takes pivotal role on Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) panel
Professor Janice Kay has been appointed to the key role of Deputy Chair of the national Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) panel, it has been announced.

Exeter’s University Challenge Team has been chosen
The University Challenge Team has been selected from over 400 applicants across our four campuses.

Exeter announces sponsorship of Cornwall School Games
The University of Exeter is to sponsor the Cornwall School Games for the next three years to enable more young people to be inspired by PE and school sport.

Mass insect migrations in UK skies
As Britain voted for Brexit amid furious debate over migration, trillions of migrants were coming and going, unseen by all but the sharpest eyes.

Award-winning end of the year for Exeter’s Islamic Society
A student society has recently been presented with two prestigious national awards in recognition of successful fundraising efforts.

Ash dieback: Insect threat to fungus-resistant trees
Ash trees which can resist the killer dieback fungus may be more vulnerable to attacks by insects, according to new research.

CBE for environment and health research pioneer
A professor who was one of the first in the country to investigate the links between the environment and human health has been awarded a CBE for his work.