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Arab and Islamic Studies news archive 2014-2022

Iranian regime “doubling down” on media manipulation in response to recent protests, analysis shows

The Iranian regime is “doubling down” on the manipulation of media in response to recent protests to create armed conflict between different ethnic groups, an expert has warned.

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2023 BRISMES Conference Call for Papers

Submissions are open for the 2023 BRISMES Conference – Ecology, Crisis and Power in the Middle East

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Recognition of Kurdish rights by Persian protestors key to fundamental change in Iran

Fundamental change in Iran is only possible if there is recognition of Kurdish rights by Persian communities, an expert has said.

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University of Exeter conference on Kurdish Folklore as World Heritage

Kurdish Folklore as World Heritage: Language, Music, and the Archives was the first international conference on Kurdish folklore and archives.

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On 26 October, the Arab World Documentation Unit (AWDU) was relaunched at the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter.

On 26 October, the Arab World Documentation Unit (AWDU) was relaunched at the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter.

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'Radical decentralisation' needed in Iran to allow Kurdish communities to benefit from natural resources, study argues

A radical decentralisation of politics and decision-making in Iran is needed to allow Kurdish communities to benefit from natural resources, experts have argued.

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Fieldwork carried out over 20 years will show comprehensive history of modern Shiʿism’s foundational intellectual moment

Fieldwork over two decades will help experts produce the first comprehensive account of modern Shiʿism’s foundational intellectual moment.

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IAIS Launches New Partnership with the Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP)

The University of Exeter’s Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies (IAIS) is proud to announce an exciting new partnership with the Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP)

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Exeter researcher rediscovers unique story of an African prince in Exeter

The rediscovery of a unique visit by an African prince to Exeter has encouraged a researcher to find links between the city and the Eritrean Ethiopian region.

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First detailed academic study of East African maritime traditions shows changes in boatbuilding

The first detailed academic study of East African maritime traditions shows changes in boatbuilding techniques but the continuing use of wooden vessels by fishers.

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Historic graffiti made by soldiers sheds light on Africa maritime heritage, study shows

Historic graffiti of ships carved in an African fort were drawn by soldiers on guard duty watching the sea, University of Exeter experts believe.

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Experts to establish new archive of Kurdistan’s culture, history and politics

An international team of experts are establishing a major new archive of Kurdistan’s culture, history and politics.

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Decolonising “Middle Eastern” Studies Conference, IAIS June 2022 - call for papers

This conference invites scholars and activists working on themes related to, what is commonly labelled, the Middle East and North Africa to engage in an interdisciplinary conversation about decolonisation.

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Decolonise research to save heritage threatened by climate change

Climate change threatens to destroy invaluable heritage sites and traditions in marginalised countries – but empowering local people is key to adaptation, according to a new study.

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African Heritage Sites threatened by coastal flooding and erosion as sea-level rise accelerates

Important heritage sites on the African coast classed as having “outstanding and universal value” are threatened by flooding and erosion because of the climate emergency, a new study warns.

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Exciting fully-funded opportunity for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in Area Studies to spend a week workshopping in Venice.

Coordinated by William Gallois and Gareth Stansfield with colleagues from Duke University and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

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Essay examines the history of petrochemicals and their impact on global geopolitics

All aspects of people’s lives are now bound to a “seemingly unlimited supply of cheap and readily disposable” petrochemicals, a new essay argues.

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First academic research paper co-published on Instagram shows legacy of one of Algeria’s most influential modern artists

The first research to be simultaneously co-published in an academic journal and on Instagram shows the lasting legacy of one of Algeria’s most influential modern artists.

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Fatima Rawan hosts the Institute’s first online Alexandria Poetry Declamation Prize

The competition promotes Arabic language, literature and culture amongst undergraduate students of Arabic at the University of Exeter.

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New publication: Women's voices from Kurdistan

A Selection of Kurdish Poetry, Edited by Farangis Ghaderi, Clémence Scalbert Yücel, Yaser Hassan Ali

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IAIS academics contribute chapters to the soon-to-be-published "Cambridge History of the Kurds".

The Cambridge History of the Kurds explores the social, political and economic features, forces and evolution amongst the Kurds, and in the region known as Kurdistan, from the fifteenth to the twenty-first century.

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IAIS academics address Kurdish literature in translation and translationactivism in The Translator journal

The article presents an analysis of a small corpus of Kurdish literature in English translation and examine the process of its constitution, its main actors and practices, and the image of Kurdish literature it depicts.

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News from The European Centre for Palestine Studies

The European Centre for Palestine Studies (ECPS) has continued activity under its program of the One State Laboratory in 2019/2020 and 2020/2021.

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Catching up with Alumnus Lawrence Robinson

Lawrence works with the Refugee Hub as Senior Policy Co-ordinator for the Global Refugee Sponsorship Initiative. His role involves working to bring new, more sustainable and reliable models of refugee protection to Europe and other countries.

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Former rebel groups become more moderate after gaining political power in nations with democracy, research shows

Former rebel groups who transform into political parties have adopted a moderate stance after gaining power in more democratic political systems, a study shows.

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IAIS Summer Speaker Series: ‘What next after your Middle East, Islamic Studies and Arabic Degree’

Over the summer we have been showcasing some of the fascinating careers fields that our alumni have taken following their degrees in Middle East, Islamic Studies and Arabic.

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Early African Muslims had a halal – and cosmopolitan diet - discovery of thousands of ancient animal bones shows

Early Muslim communities in Africa ate a cosmopolitan diet as the region became a trading centre for luxury goods, the discovery of thousands of ancient animal bones has shown.

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Women making waves: Arabic language radio broadcast for International Women’s Day 2020

For the first time, a local radio programme will be produced and broadcast in both Arabic and English to a global listening audience.  

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IAIS Visiting Professor Maribel Fierro receives MESA lifetime achievement award.

The award recognises her long standing commitment to developing the field of Islamic history, and particularly her contribution to the study of the Maghrib and Andalusia through history. 

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Experts find first archaeological evidence of Christianity in Bahrain

Experts have found the first archaeological evidence showing Christianity was practised in Bahrain, a discovery which sheds light on a missing part of the country’s history.

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Abla Oudeh visited Cairo in October

Head of Languages Abla Oudeh visited our 4th year MArabic students on their work placement in Cairo

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2019 Year Abroad Photography prize

The Annual Year Abroad Photography Prize was won this year by Athena McDonald.

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'The Painters of the City: Art in North Africa 1880-1920' exhibition on tour

'The Painters of the City: Art in North Africa 1880-1920', an exhibition originally staged at the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies in Exeter, and curated by Professor William Gallois, recently transferred to the Instituto de Ciencios Sociais at the University of Lisbon.

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Professor Maribel Fierro appointed as Visiting Al-Qasimi Professor in Islamic Studies

The CSI is delighted to welcome Professor Maribel Fierro, Research Professor at the CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid) as the 2019-2020 Al-Qasimi Professor of Islamic Studies.

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Social Sciences Alumni Return for Q&A and Networking with Exeter Scholars Students

A panel of alumni from the College of Social Sciences and International Studies attended an Exeter Scholars event, answering questions posed by Year 12 students on this prestigious programme, followed by a round table networking session.

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IAIS Academic, Dr Michael Axworthy, has sadly passed away

It is with great sadness that IAIS wishes to announce that Dr Michael Axworthy, Senior Lecturer in the Modern History of Iran, has passed away after a long illness bravely borne. 

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Nobel Peace Prize winner shares inspirational story of bringing democracy to Tunisia

Nobel Prize winner and influential African businesswoman Ouided Bouchamaoui spoke about her extraordinary role bringing democracy to Tunisia during a visit to the University of Exeter.

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Bruce Lawrence appointed as Visiting Al-Qasimi Professor in Islamic Studies

Professor Bruce Lawrence of Duke University is the first holder of the position of Visiting Al-Qasimi Professor in Islamic Studies from January to March 2019

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PhD Congratulations

Congratulations to Dr Rob Steele whose PhD on "The 2500th Anniversary Celebrations and Cultural Politics in Late Pahlavi Iran" has recently been awarded.

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Stories from our graduates

Aimee is the Associate Digital Editor with The Art Newspaper. Here she tells us what she’s been doing since graduating; reflects on the highlights of her degree at Exeter and the skills and experiences it gave her, which have helped in her career to date; and shares her plans for the future.

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New Publication by Gizem Kahraman Aksoy, IAIS PhD candidate

A new Publication by Gizem Kahraman Aksoy, IAIS PhD candidate, is now available. 

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PhD candidate publishes on Transgender Identity

Mehrdad Alipour, PhD candidate, has had an article recently published in the refereed Journal of Religion and Gender

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Congratulations on Institute PhD success

A PhD student at the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies has successfully defended her viva. Ana Almuedo-Castillo's thesis was "Civil Marriage in Lebanon as a Site of Resistance and the Emergance of Sectarian and Other Political Identities".

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Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies signs new Memorandum of Understanding with the America University of Beirut

The Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies (IAIS) has signed a new agreement with the American University of Beirut (AUB), which commits both parties to further developing their research relationship together.

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Mehrhad Alipour, IAIS PhD candidate has article published

"Shi'a neo-tradionalist scholars and theology of homosexuality: review and reflections on Mohsen Kadivar's shifting approach"

Congratulations to Mehrhad Alipour, a PhD candidate at the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, who has recently had an article published in the refereed Journal of Theology and Sexuality, Vol 24 (3), pp 200-218.

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2018 Feminist and Women's Studies Association (UK & Ireland) Student Essay Prize

Congratulations to Charlotte Sefton who has won the 2018 Feminist and Women's Studies Association (UK & Ireland) student essay prize.

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Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies Academic, Dr Leonard Lewisohn, has sadly passed away

The staff and students of the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter, are very sad to announce that, on Monday 6 August 2018, our colleague and friend Dr. Leonard Lewisohn passed away suddenly and unexpectedly.

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Education Incubator award for Dr Katie Natanel and Dr Kerry Chappell

Dr Katie Natanel from IAIS has been awarded a £10,000 University of Exeter Education Incubator grant, along with project partner Dr Kerry Chappell from the Graduate School of Education.

The project is called "Digital innovation in project-based learning: toward a model for praxis". 

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Exhibition on Gender to highlight student projects

The Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies at the University of Exeter is to host an exhibition highlighting student work on gender studies this Friday, 11th May.

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Research grant award from British Library

Dr. Leonard Lewisohn was the principal applicant on a successful grant application for £48,309 to the Endangered Archives Programme (EAP) at the British Library for a project entitled: “Iranian Performance Arts Journals Pre-1979.” Starting October 2018 and running for 12 months, he will be occupied with this EAP project to digitalize a selection of rare Persian journals relating to the Iranian Performing Arts printed in Iran from 1920 though 1979. Jane Lewisohn, Honorary Research Fellow at the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, was co-applicant on this grant.

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Priests of ancient faith threatened with extinction share their traditions for future generations

The leaders of an ancient religion threatened with extinction by conflict in the Middle East have allowed their highly complex water-based rituals to be recorded by outsiders for the first time.

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Ancient fish trap gives new clues about history of erosion on Britain’s coastline

An ancient Saxon fishing trap exposed for the first time in centuries thanks to radical environmental change has provided new clues about the history of coastal erosion in Britain.

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Alumnus Funded IAIS Year Abroad Photography Prize: more than just a pretty picture.

2016 IAIS Year Abroad Photography Prize was won by Pippa Giles, a third year student of Arabic with French & study abroad for her picture of Syrian refugee children now living in Al- Azraq village, Jordan.

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Ancient city found in Ethiopia sheds new light on country’s history

Archaeologists have uncovered an ancient, forgotten city in Ethiopia once thought to be the home of giants.

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Plight of Syrian exiles showcased in film

A powerful and heart-warming film about a group of Syrian refugee women is being shown at the University of Exeter.

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Exeter academic contributes to UK parliament report on Iraq

A University of Exeter, Middle East political expert features heavily in a new report by the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee on ‘UK Government policy on the Kurdistan Region of Iraq’.

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Research at the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies has been rated as world-leading or internationally excellent in the Research Excellence Framework (REF).

14 January 2015
IAIS's research has been rated as world-leading or internationally excellent in the first assessment of the research quality of UK universities since 2008, the Research Excellence Framework (REF).

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Careers with a degree from the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies

Former students from the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies give insights in to potential career and further study paths at the IAIS Careers Day 2015.

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An Appreciation of the Life of Professor Clifford Edmund Bosworth.

An Appreciation of the Life of Professor Clifford Edmund Bosworth who died Saturday, 28 February 2015. By Ian Richard Netton.

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Success for SSIS at the Guild Teaching Awards!

The College of Social Sciences and International Studies had eight nominations and picked up two awards at the Students’ Guild Teaching Awards. Photo: Exeter Students' Guild

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Exeter enters global 100 for Social Sciences

The University of Exeter has strengthened its position as being among the very best universities in the world for Social Sciences.

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The College of Social Sciences and International Studies Advocate Scheme

Would you like to earn money talking about your course and student life? Do you want flexible work?

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Fellow appointments recognise Social Science excellence

Two leading academics from diverse fields at the University of Exeter have been appointed as Fellows of the Academy of Social Sciences.

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Exeter launches humanities festival with a touch of magic

The University of Exeter will launch a national humanities festival with a touch of magic this year as experts and academics come together to discuss our modern view of the mystical.

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Exeter academic meets Pope Francis

Dr Mustafa Baig of the University's Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies met with Pope Francis in St Peter's Basilica on June 30.

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SSIS research rated internationally excellent in latest national assessment

SSIS research has been rated as world-leading or internationally excellent in the first assessment of the research quality of UK universities since 2008, the Research Excellence Framework (REF).

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Collaborative Magic in Malta research project receives AHRC grant funding

The Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) awards £233,831 to IAIS and History academics exploring magic in early 17th century Malta

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BBC Interview with Ilan Pappé

30 June 2014
The BBC's HARDTalk programme recently interviewed Professor Ilan Pappé.

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BBC expert considers what became of the Arab Spring

The Arab Spring in the Middle East failed to deliver on its early promise, BBC Security Correspondent Frank Gardner OBE told a packed audience at the University of Exeter.

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University launches Q Step programme

The University of Exeter is launching a pivotal new programme designed to improve quantitative social science training. 

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New book explores challenges for democracy in North Africa

The uncertainties surrounding the long-term prospect of democracy being fully embraced by North African nations embroiled in the Arab Spring rebellions are the focus of a fascinating new book. 

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Careers Day in the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies

28 February 2014

The IAIS Careers Day took place on 12th February. There were two panel discussions; an alumni panel discussion on "What you can do with a degree in Arab and Islamic Studies" and a discussion on "Careers in the Middle East". Students also had the opportunity to network with speakers at a drinks events.

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