News archive: 2018-2023

University of Exeter and University of Queensland Celebrate Flagship Partnership
The University of Exeter hosted the fourth annual QUEX Symposium on 3 and 4 April, celebrating their flagship partnership with the University of Queensland.

University of Exeter to support ‘twinned’ institution in Ukraine
The University of Exeter has been twinned with a counterpart in Ukraine through a national programme that is striving to safeguard higher education in the European country.

Exeter strengthens position in ‘most international universities’ league table
The University of Exeter has strengthened its top 50 position in an influential league table ranking the most international universities in the world.

First of the second cohort of QUEX PhD students graduates with joint award from the Universities of Exeter and Queensland
A pioneering Anglo-Australian research partnership focused upon global sustainability and wellbeing is celebrating a new milestone after the first member of its second cohort of students was awarded their PhD.

Professor Tim Quine Delivers Keynote On Transforming Digital Education
Professor Tim Quine, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Exeter, recently had the pleasure of participating in the Online Education Dialogue 2022: Visions for Digital Higher Education Development. The digital conversation, which was hosted by the Secretariat of the Global MOOC and Online Education Alliance brought together academics from the University of Exeter, Tsinghua University, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and the Secretariat of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization, to discuss how digital technologies can be used to enhance the delivery of higher education programs and ensure that such programs are accessible to a diverse range of students.

Comic illustrated by former UK Comics laureate depicts experiences of shame in medical learning
A new comic will be used to teach medical students about the role of shame in their training to become doctors.

University of Exeter strengthens relationship with University of British Columbia Okanagan
The University of Exeter and The University of British Columbia’s Okanagan Campus (UBCO) have signed a Statement of Cooperation to further strengthen the relationship between the institutions and encourage cooperation in the areas of academic exchange, education, and research.

VIU | Call for Summer Sessions
The call for proposals for the new Summer Sessions in 2022 is now open.

First Annual USF/Exeter International History Graduate Student Workshop Summer 2021
An intensive one-week research workshop was held May 24-28 designed to assist graduate students at USF and Exeter in overcoming pandemic-related obstacles to archival research.

Academics and University leadership attend China UK Humanities Alliance meeting
The China UK Humanities Alliance Executive Council meeting took place on 14th December, bringing together academics and university leaders from some of the best institutions in both China and the UK.

Global recognition for Exeter Arts and Humanities with top 100 world ranking
The flourishing international reputation and research strengths of the University of Exeter’s Arts and Humanities subjects have once again been recognised in the latest sector rankings.
The influential Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings have placed Arts and Humanities in the top 100 globally.

New lecture series will examine role of humanities in today's global crises
A new University of Exeter lecture series will examine the role of humanities experts in tackling global crises, including health, the climate emergency and racial injustice.
The online events, free and open to the public, will also showcase discussions on how humanities research can help universities better conduct their global activities and be agents of positive change.

Exeter hosts major student conference with China
Between August 24th and August 27th, the University of Exeter hosted the Higher Education Youth Talent Alliance (HEYTA), a major student conference held annually by the China - UK Association for the Humanities in Higher Education (UKCHA).
The online event, arranged and led by students from the College of Humanities and Tsinghua University, was attended by approximately 160 student delegates from some of the best universities in China and the UK.

Exeter and Cape Town project on Newton Prize shortlist
A project jointly led by the University of Exeter has been shortlisted for a prestigious prize worth up to £500,000.
The Newton Prize 2020 celebrates outstanding international research partnerships between the UK and Egypt, Jordan, Kenya, South Africa and Turkey.
Shortlisted for the Chair's Prize is a project entitled: "UMBANE: powering innovative sustainable businesses with productive use appliances in South African informal settlements at the margins of the grid."

University of Exeter celebrates European partnerships, research and education
Friday 8 May 2020 is the 75th anniversary of VE Day, a time of reflection and remembrance, and the following day is Europe Day, when many will celebrate the hard won peace and unity following the Second World War.
To mark the week the University of Exeter is celebrating positive partnerships and connections built across Europe in recent years. The week will start with a blog by newly appointed Assistant Deputy Vice Chancellor (Europe) Sally Faulkner.

Collaborative ENSURE projects making good progress
This April will mark the second anniversary of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)-University of Exeter (Exeter) Joint Centre for Environmental Sustainability and Resilience (ENSURE) since its establishment in 2018. The joint centre has been fostering inter-disciplinary collaborations through projects and workshops to address issues emerging from the changing environment and its influences on human health and wellbeing.

QUEX – New Theme Leads Appointed
Following a call for expressions of interest earlier this year, it is now with great pleasure that we announce our new QUEX Theme leadership team.

Exeter join the Venice International University Consortium
The University of Exeter is proud to announce joining the Venice International University (VIU) Consortium – an association of 20 of the world’s top universities, with a campus on the island of San Servolo in Venice, Italy. Following a visit from DVC Mark Goodwin in November, the VIU Assembly voted unanimously on December 9th, 2019 in favour of welcoming the University of Exeter as a new member.

Appointment of Director of Global Exeter
The University of Exeter has appointed Peter Clack as its inaugural Director of Global Exeter. He will join the University in January 2020.

New Joint Chair Post Agreed with Tsinghua University’s Institute for International and Area Studies
Tsinghua University’s Institute for International and Area Studies (IIAS) has signed a new agreement with the University of Exeter, which will see the two universities appoint a joint chair in Area Studies.

University of Exeter strengthens partnership with University of British Columbia Okanagan
Professor Sir Steve Smith, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Exeter and Professor Deborah Buszard, Deputy Vice Chancellor and Principal of University of British ColumbiaOkanagan have signed a new partnership agreement that commits $120,000 (Canadian) to develop and expand relationships across both universities.

University of Exeter and University of Geneva launch second round of Genex joint funding to increase research and education collaboration
On 15th October 2019 at the University of Geneva, Exeter’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Global Engagement, Mark Goodwin, and Geneva’s Vice-Rector for International Relations, Stephane Berthet, signed a MoU for 5 years, agreeing a second round of GenEx Seed Funding, to increase research and teaching collaboration between the two universities. Both institutions are in the top-200 globally in university league tables, and produce high-quality and high-impact research in a broad range of shared thematic research areas.

Exeter and University of British Columbia Extend Digital Humanities Partnership
The University of Exeter and the University of British Columbia have invested in an exciting new collaboration called “Press Play! Research Creation, Arts Entrepreneurship, and The Digital Archive.”

'Drones revolutionising conservation' talk at Penryn
Dr David Johnston, Director of Duke University Marine Lab, visited Penryn on World Ocean’s Day to give a talk entitled 'Fast Forward: Drones are revolutionizing the study and conservation of marine mammals'.

QUEX International Symposium, 25-26 July 2019 | University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
The 2019 QUEX Symposium took place at the University of Queensland in Brisbane on 25 and 26 July, with over 30 staff and students attending from Exeter. The Exeter group was led by the Vice Chancellor and DVC Mark Goodwin.

University of Exeter strengthens global partnerships in Canada
In early June 2019, the Vice-Chancellor Professor Sir Steve Smith and the global partnerships team visited Canada to continue to strengthen Exeter’s links with universities around the world.

Exeter Joins Prestigious European Network of Digital Humanities Experts
The University of Exeter has joined the prestigious DARIAH ERIC organisation as a Cooperating Partner

University of Exeter Law School Celebrates new Partnership with Wuhan University
In May 2019, the University of Exeter’s School of Law and Wuhan University finalised a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to develop closer ties between our institutions.

Exeter signs new Memorandum of Understanding with Duke University
The University of Exeter have signed a memorandum of understanding with Duke University to encourage graduate student exchange and promote joint faculty research.

Exeter in Beijing and Hong Kong: Big Data, AI, and the China-UK Humanities Alliance
The University of Exeter has been showcasing collaborations on Big Data and AI in Hong Kong and Beijing in recent weeks.

Scientists from Exeter and Hong Kong use the power of data to understand links between human activity and environmental change
Scientists from the University of Exeter and the Chinese University Hong Kong are joining forces to exploit the power of data to protect individuals and cities from environmental threats.

Fudan-Exeter relationship expands into Artificial Intelligence
Key representatives from Exeter travelled to Fudan University’s School of Data Science to develop a series of new initiatives

Step forward in understanding human feet
Scientists have made a step forward in understanding the evolution of human feet.

Hong Kong’s waters benefit health and wellbeing
A ground-breaking study has revealed how spending time in and around Hong Kong’s ‘blue spaces’ (harbours, coastlines and beaches) is linked to better health and wellbeing, especially for older adults.

Exeter partners with Chinese government to offer PhD scholarships
The University of Exeter and the Chinese Scholarship Council partner to offer PhD Scholarships for Chinese students.

Exeter School of Law Celebrates Success in Major International Rankings
The University of Exeter’s School of Law has enjoyed a sharp rise in the influential Times Higher Education Subject rankings for Law. Ranked 93rd in 2018, the 2019 rankings have seen the School of Law jump to 72nd in the world, one of the larger improvements of rankings from any institutions in the top 100.

Experts trace remarkable history of colonial Indian wildlife paintings
The mysterious origins of remarkable paintings of Indian wildlife are no longer shrouded in mystery thanks to detective work by experts around the world.
Dr Naomi Hawkins visits University of Queensland and University of Melbourne, Australia
During October 2018, Dr Naomi Hawkins visited the University of Queensland and the University of Melbourne in Australia to further develop existing research relationships with both institutions.

University of Exeter among top 100 universities in the world for arts and humanities
The University of Exeter has been named as one of the best places in the world to study arts and humanities in new influential rankings.

Smart contracts and LegalTech- the future?
Dr Joseph Lee, Director of the Centre for Commercial and Corporate Law, hosted an international conference on international commercial contract law in London. The conference focused on the use of new smart technologies and new trade practices in international transactions.
Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies signs new Memorandum of Understanding with the America University of Beirut
The Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies (IAIS) has signed a new agreement with the American University of Beirut (AUB), which commits both parties to further developing their research relationship together.

New Digital Humanities Collaboration between Exeter and the University of British Columbia
The University of Exeter’s Digital Humanities Laboratory has committed to developing a Digital Humanities Exchange with the University of British Columbia.